Demo Video

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The different key steps to launch your CRM / SaaS platform with Micleo:


Get a License


Download the privates repositories on your account


Customize and configure the software


Run & Deploy

Getting Started

How to Get Started?

Demo Project

If you are new to Micleo, start with the Demo Project:


Micleo is a production-ready tech stack:

  • Supabase: is a Postgres database, Authentication, instant APIs, Deno Edge Functions, Realtime subscriptions, Storage, and Vector embeddings.
  • Cloudflare Page: is a JAMstack platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy websites.
  • Infisical: is a End-to-end platform to securely manage secrets and configs across your team and infrastructure (SecretOps).
  • Hookdeck: is a prebuilt webhook infrastructure. It gives developers the tooling they need to monitor and troubleshoot all their inbound webhooks.
  • Stripe: is a payments infrastructure. Manage the subscriptions & payments.
  • hCaptcha: Instantly detect and deter human and automated threats.
  • HTML to PDF or PNG API with a managed Puppeteer.

Micleo is built on the fundamentals:

  • Javascript: a typed superset of JavaScript
  • Vuejs: is a performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.
  • Vuetify: is a open source UI Library with beautifully handcrafted Vue Components.
  • ESLint: a linter for JavaScript and TypeScript
  • Prettier: an opinionated code formatter
  • Visual Studio Code: configuration file
  • Docker & CLI : Local development ready
  • Github: CI/CD Automatically deploy the app